Flood in Wuppertal 

Some of our international friends are asking whether we are affected by the floods in Germany these days. There was a flood of the Wupper river on Wednesday/Thursday, and also our scout rooms in Wuppertal were flooded, including a lot of mud. However, we managed to clear up everything.

  • 16.07.2021

Radio Schwenke Online Show 

Due to the pandemic, we will again not have a camp this weekend. However, we will have an interactive online show on YouTube on Sunday. The link to the stream will be published here on Sunday (please switch the language of the website to German to see it). The show will start at 6 pm German time.

  • 21.05.2021

Merry Christmas 

The year 2020 is heading towards its end. We hope everyone of our friends around the world is fine in the current, difficult situation. We hope to be able to see you soon. We wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year 2021!

  • 20.12.2020

New directorate 

On our annual general meeting, we elected a new directorate of our scout group. It now consists of Max Jaffke (1st chairman), Julian Kerßenfischer (2nd chairman), Stefan Friese (treasurer), Laurenz Teepe, David Goecke, Nico Schlechter and Carl Vorwerg.

  • 12.11.2020


It is just the summer of 2020, but already we are making plans for the naxt year. 2021 will be a special year for us, as we will celebarate our 60th anniversary. We will have many activities, most importantly we are planning an international scout camp with guest from all over the world from August 7th to August 14th 2021. We all hope the pandemic sitation will make it possible to stick to these plans.

  • 26.07.2020

Summer 2020 

This week we would have been on the PEAK 2020 international scout camp - if there hadn't been the pandemic. Instead, our scouts are now on a summer trip in northern Germany. However our friends from Chesterfield called us today from their walk through the empty chatsworth park. It is nice to know our friendship and contact continues even if we cannot meet this summer.

  • 26.07.2020


  • 19.12.2019

KPF at the JOTI (Jamboree on the Internet) 

This weekend, it is time for the JOTI (Jamboree on the Internet) again. Our group is taking part with some scouts. You can see us on the webcam above. To get in contact with us, just try one of the following options:

- using the IRC chat of ScoutNet (users: kpf_stefan, kpfLukas, KPFMax...)
- via Twitter: @kreuzpfadfinder
- via Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Kreuzpfadfinderbund/
- via Instagram: kreuzpfadfinderbund_wuppertal
- via Skype (user name will be published later)

  • 20.10.2017

Please Donate 

Please Donate: „Construyendo puentes de amistad a Matagalpa – Bridges of Friendship to Matagalpa“

We would like to enable a small group of young scouts (mixed group, aged 14-16, at least 2 participants and one leader) from Nicaragua to take part in our whitsun camp. The camp takes place on the whitsun weekend (June 2 to 5, 2017). The whitsun camp represents the foundation of our work. On sunday evening, our traditional promise celebration will take place, which means a lot to us. An invitation to this event proves our deep trust and friendship to our scout friends from Nicaragua.

The trigger for the project was an exceptional distirbution of funds by the charity foundation Siegfried und Christa Wirtz Stiftung. We already collected funds for two scouts, but now we need you to move on! Thanks a lot to the SCW foundation (the photo shows the cheque handover ceremony) and our supporters association.

You want to provide a unique memory for young people from our partner city Matagalpa? You support the idea of looking beyond one's own nose and to see what the world has to offer? You want to donate one Euro or another?
Donate with subject 'Nicaragua' to our supporters association.
If you have any questions or need further information, just send an e-mail to Jamie Lee Harder.
Thank your for your support!

  • 02.05.2017

New Issue of Die Spur 

On January 31st, the 126th issue of our scout magazine „Die Spur“ has been published on the occasion of our years-beginnings-celebration. If you are interested in reading Die Spur (it is in German) to get an impression of our activities, send an e-mail to Stefan. We have some spare copies so potentially we can send one to you.
The next issue of Die Spur is expected to appear in may on the occasion of our whitsun camp.

  • 02.02.2016

KPF at scouting magazine 

The scouting (a web magazine for scouts in germany) has published an article about our group here.

  • 24.01.2016

Summer Trip 2016 

This summer, we will go on a trip to Slovakia. The trip will take place during the last three weeks of the summer holidays (approximately 29th of July to 21st of August 2016). Planning has just begun, so we do not have so many details at the moment. Hopefully we will be able to meet our friends in Košice who visited our Brexventure camp in 2013. We hope that many scouts will join the trip and spend some amazing time in Slovakia!

  • 24.01.2016


  • 24.12.2014

Wupper cleaning 

On Saturday, March 29, we will help to protect the environment. As every year, there is an activity in Wuppertal where everyone is invited to clean the city. Our scout group will participate and clean the banks of the river Wupper near our scout hut in Pauluskirchstraße. This will be a lot of work, because there was no wupper cleaning activity in 2013 due to bad weather conditions, so we expect a lot of rubbish there.

  • 11.03.2014

Book market 

On March 7 and 8 there will be the traditional market for used books in the Pauluskirche, the church next to our scout rooms in Unterbarmen. As every year, we will make cakes and sell them to collect money for our scout group. On friday, the market is opened from 14:00 to 18:00 and on saturday from 11:00 to 16:00.

  • 20.02.2014

Snow Day 

On February 15, we will have a snow day. Depending on the weather conditions, we will either go sledging (if there is enough snow), or we will go ice skating in Solingen.

  • 27.01.2014

Order uniforms 

We will order uniforms soon. All scouts who need a new uniform are asked to fill the ordering form until 2014-02-27.

  • 27.01.2014

Lost and found of family day 

A cake ring and a bowl have been found after the family day. For more information ask Wolle.

  • 25.01.2014

Our calendar as iCalendar 

To make sure everyone remebers the dates and times of scout activities, we made our calendar iCalendar compatible. This means it is possible to export scout activites from that calendar into programs like Outlook, Thunderbird, or google calendar. Each date in the calendar contains a corresponding iCalendar export link now.

  • 20.01.2014

Die Spur in color 

Spur 122 On our family day in January, the 122th issue of our scout magazine Die Spur (the trace) was published. It is the first issue which is printed in color.

  • 19.01.2014

Photos of family day 

Some photos so our family day are online.

  • 19.01.2014

The elk is calling 

The decision has been made! This years summer trip will take us to scandinavia. Large forests, wonderful lakes, wild elks, normal temperatures.
From 2014-07-26 to 2014-08-16 we will be climbing, swimming, hiking and discovering the great north of europe. We hope many scouts will join the trip!

  • 16.01.2014

Lost and found 

Auf das Bild klicken zum vergrößern Auf das Bild klicken zum vergrößern Some items were left behind on our winter trip (see photos). They can be picked up from Stefan.

  • 15.01.2014

Brexventure T-Shirts 

Brexventure-T-Shirt Each participant of the Brexventure Camp received a t-shirt with the camp logo. As we were asked by many people if it is possible to buy additional camp shirts, there is a possibility to order further shirts now. The price of the sirts is 15,50 EUR. If we have very many orders, it might decrease. Please order until 26 January by E-Mail. The available sizes of the shirts are S, M, L, XL, XXL or 3XL.

  • 09.01.2014

Photos of our winter trip 

On our photo page, you can see pictures of our winter trip which took us to Monschau this year. The Trip had the topic #hipster. To see the photos, you must be a registered member and be logged in, or you have to wait until January 21, when they are publicly visible. The link is here. Click on Winterfahrt 2014 there (sorry, the page is only available in German).

  • 07.01.2014

Football Tournament 

On January 25th, we will once again have an indoor football tournament. The tournament is a common activity with the other scout organizations from Wuppertal. All information on date, time, location and equipment can be found on the Information sheer.
The registration for the tournament is done online. We are looking forward to see many scouts there!

  • 28.12.2013

Merry Christmas 

Merry christmas and a happy new year

  • 23.12.2013

Cutting Wood 

Jan has some wood for us in his garden which has to be cut into smaller pieces. He needs some voluntary helpers for this task, which shall take place on Saturday, 28.12., if we find 3 or 4 volunteers. There will be a barbecue afterwards for the volunteers. If you have time, contact Jan directly (0157 5687 2494).

  • 22.12.2013

New Photos 

On our photo page, there are more than 100 new pictures from the activities in 2013. Most importantly these are photos from our international camp Brexventure which took place last summer. To see the pictures, click here (sorry, this page is only available in German).

  • 22.12.2013

Family Day 

On the 18th of January, we will celebrate the beginning of the new year with our annual family day. Everyone will meet at our scout rooms at Röttgen 102 in Wuppertal. As of 3 p.m., we will have a varied programme of looking back on the last year and games inside and outside. We will hopefully have a nice time together, drink coffee and tea and eat some cake.

  • 17.12.2013

Editorial Deadline 

On friday, December 13th, the editorial deadline of our scout newspaper Die Spur ends. If you have any articles for us, send them quickly!

  • 12.12.2013

Winter trip 

As every year, we will also spend this year's winter holidays on a winter trip. It will take place in the first week of January. We will be in a house in Rohren, which is a small village in the Eifel low mountain range.
The theme of the trip will be #Hipster so hopefully we will have some funny days there. We will probably go there with 30 scouts of all ages.

  • 08.12.2013

Letter from Nicaragua 

We received a letter from the Nicaraguan scouts who joined our Brexventure camp. More information on http://brexventure.de/

  • 24.11.2013

Fundraising Success 

On saturday, November 23rd, we went to a supermarket in Wuppertal and made waffles for the people passing by to collect donations for the sacrifices of hurricane Taiyan on the Philippines. This event was a great success. We

  • 24.11.2013

New Information on Brexventure 2013 available 

Brexventure-LogoNew information is available on the web site of our Brexventure 2013 international scout camp. You can find a more detailed schedule and a list of activites there now. This information will be updated on a regular basis, so it is worth having a look at it from time to time.

  • 29.03.2013


  • 23.12.2012

Website for Brexventure international scout camp 2013 

Brexventure-LogoA website with a lot of information about our international summer camp “Brexventure 2013” is available now. It informs about the date, the location, the participants etc. Go to http://www.brexventure.de to find out!

  • 24.09.2012

Brexventure 2013 

The international scout camp which we are organizing for 2013 has a name now: It will be called Brexventure 2013. A Website about the camp will be available soon.

  • 04.09.2012

Newsfeed available 

The news on this website are available as a news feed now (if you don't know what a news feed is, look here). If you have a feed reader (e.g. smartphone app) supporting Atom 1.0 or RSS 2.0 you can use the following links:

  • 04.02.2012

Summer Trip to Croatia 

Flagge von Kroatien In summer 2012 we will have a trip to Croatia. We hope for three weeks with lots of fun, great weather and many scouts who come with us. If you have any hints (nice hiking areas, interesting scout centres etc.) just tell us, we are still making plans.

  • 01.02.2012

International Camp 2013 

In 2013 an international camp organised by us will take place on Brexbachtal scout campsite which is located near Koblenz. We hope our friends from 18th Chesterfield and 3rd Matlock and some other scout groups will join the camp. The proposed date is 2013-07-30 until 2013-08-06 for the camp, followed by a family hospitation in Wuppertal. Currently we wait for confirmation of the proposed date. More information on the camp will follow.

  • 13.01.2012


Merry Christmas

  • 23.12.2011

Anniversary Camp / Summer 2011 

The date for our anniversary camp in summer 2011 has been decided: It will take place from 8/28/2011-9/4/2011. We hope to meet many of our friends from England. More information will follow very soon!

  • 06.02.2011

Preparations for anniversary camp 

In 2011, we will celebrate the 50th anniversary of our scout group. There will be a camp in summer where we will invite some friends from Germany, England and maybe even more countries. We are working hard on the preparations and soon there will be further information available for our guests. Just have a look at this page in a few days or weeks.

  • 26.10.2010

Whitsun Camp 

Currently all our scouts are looking forward to our whitsun camp. It will take place from 21 until 24 May. About 150 people will take part in the camp. We hope to have good weather as in the last year.

  • 21.04.2010

Summer 2010 

This summer, we will again have a trip to England. We will visit the PEAK international scout camp at Chatsworth Park in Derbyshire. We hope to have a lot of fun and make new friends with out hosting group, which will be 3rd Matlock this time. Our plans for the other two weeks of the trip are not yet made, so we are collecting ideas what to do and where to go.
Visit http://www.peak2010.org/ for more information on the PEAK camp.

  • 31.03.2010

This Summer 

This summer, we will visit Great Britain for 3 weeks. We hope we can participate on PEAK 2010 international scout camp in Derbyshire. Our friends of 18th Chesterfield will not be there this time, but maybe we can meet them before the camp starts.

  • 10.01.2010


HajkFrom 17th to 19th of April we will start this year's hiking season with a hike between Hattingen and Wuppertal. We hope for good weather and that there will be many scouts going with us.

  • 13.03.2009


BücherIn Our Library, we collect books that are interesting or helpful for scouting. Unfortunately many of our books were destroyed last winter due to improper storage, among these books e.g. Scouting for Boys by Baden Powell. We hope we can get a replacement soon.

  • 13.03.2009

Schwenkoree - The World in a Tent 

The World in a Tent'Schwenkoree - The World in a Tent', that's the topic of this year's whitsun-camp. Each group will choose a Country of the World an represent it, e.g. wear clothes, prepare typical food etc.

  • 13.03.2009

New Discussion Board Software 

Today our discussion board software has been updated to a new release.

  • 03.03.2009

Summer Trip to Slovenia 

This summer, we will have a 3-week-trip to slovenia. We found the country interesting as it offers quite different landscapes - varying from alpine mountains to the mediterranian sea there is much to see. If you have any hints about places, campsites or activities that could be nice for our scout group, please send us an e-mail to mrknowitall@web.de.

  • 08.01.2009

Merry Christmas 

Merry christmas and a happy new year to all visitors of our web site.

  • 24.12.2008

JOTI 2008 

It's JOTI - Jamboree on the Internet. Our Scouts participate with a small Team with some computers. If you found your way to this website, please sign our guestbook!

  • 18.10.2008

Planning Weekend 

On the weekend of November 7-9 we will have a planning weekend. We will make plans for the year 2009 - activities, events, workgroups.

  • 16.10.2008

New Directorate 

Yesterday we elected a new directorate for our scout association. First Chairman is Stefan Friese, Second Chairman ist Lukas Sieber, Treasurer is Tim Oliver Kremer. Further members of the directorate are Alexandra Gerling, Anke Winkelsträter, Annika Friese and Lars Greinert.

  • 16.10.2008

Music Weekend 

On the weekend of november 21-23 there will be a music weekend which we will celebrate together with the other scout associations from wuppertal. There will be a lot of singing, playing guitar, some games and great food hopef

  • 13.10.2008

New Group 

Finally we have a new group. Starting on October 16th, the new group for children between 8 and 9 will meet every thursday in our rooms in St. Michael church in Wuppertal-Elberfeld. Leaders are Lukas, Manu and Lars G.

  • 21.09.2008

North Rhine-Westphalia-Day 

On the weekend of august 30/31 the North Rhine-Westphalia-Day takes place in Wuppertal. This is a really big festival which takes place in a different city in North Rhine-Westphalia each year. There will be lots of events, music

  • 14.08.2008

Trip to Scotland 

This summer, we are going to visit Scotland for three weeks. First we will visit Inverness, then the west coast near Ullapool. After that we will be hiking for some days on the Rob Roy Way. Our last stop is Edinburgh before

  • 30.06.2008

Kemna - never again 

This year, there is a sad anniversary: 75 years ago, the concentration camp at Kemna near Wuppertal was opened. On June 21st, there will be a conmemoration organized by youth organizations from Wuppertal. Among other

  • 12.06.2008

Even more Photos 

Revently we recieved 58 additional photos of our whitsun vamp. To see them use the following link: click here.

  • 12.06.2008


On our photo-page you can find 52 new photos of our whitsun-camp. You should have a look - surprisingly there aren't any rain pictures this time. You just have to click here.

  • 19.05.2008

Hamburg Singing Contest 

On April 5th, wie will visit the Hamburg Singing Contest. This is a meeting point for scouts and people from similar groups who like to sing more or less traditional songs. We will not ta

  • 21.02.2008

Die Spur - international edition 

We are currently working on an english translation of our journal 'Die Spur' to make it available for our friends in other countries. It should be finished in March probably. In fact we jump at the chance that we need some test pages to evalualte s

  • 18.02.2008


On our summer-trip in 2008 we are going to visit Scotland! If you have any ideas about scout centres, interesting hiking areas or you would like to meet our scout group, don't hesitate to contact us by e-mail (mrknowitall@web.de).

  • 23.01.2008

Merry Christmas 

We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year!

  • 24.12.2007

Events with other Scouts in Wuppertal 

As in the last years we will have some activities in 2008 which we will do in cooperation with other scouts in Wuppertal (Called ZaPf, which is an abbreviation for 'Cooperation of all scouts'). At the weekend of august 29-31 we will take part in the

  • 15.12.2007

Winter Trip 

In January 2008 we will do our traditional winter trip. This time wie will visit this nice house in Breckerfeld, a village which is not very far away from Wuppertal but a very nice location in a valley with much nature around.

  • 13.12.2007

18th Chesterfield: New Homepage 

Our Friends from 18th Chesterfield (UK) have a new Homepage. It is located at http://www.18thscouts.webs.com/

  • 19.11.2007

New Photos 

Finally we have 43 new photos on our photo-page. They have been taken on our trip to scandinavia last summer.

To see them, click here: Scandinavia 2007

  • 19.11.2007

Challenge Cup 

Wuppertals scout groups will recieve the challenge cup of english youth-leaders from South Tyneside, which is awarded every two years.

  • 18.11.2007

Calendar for 2008 

Our Calendar for the year 2008 has been made, and several preparation teams for our activities have been founded. If you want to know what we are going to do in 2008, click on 'Calendar'.
Our Summer-Trip is not mentioned yet because we have neither decided where to go nor when. This will be discuss

  • 15.11.2007

100 years of scouting - celebration in Wuppertal 

On August 18th, there will be a celebration of scoutings 100th anniversary in the centre of Wuppertal. It will be organised by 7 associations with groups in our city, so we think it should be a quite impressive event.
We will offer games, sing songs, build up some tents and present our work.

  • 02.08.2007

21st World Scout Jamboree 

Currently, the 21st World Scout Jamboree takes place in Chelmsford / UK. We visited the Camp at the weekend with a small group of scouts, click here to see some photos of the trip.
More information about the Jamboree can be found on http://eng.thejamboree.org/.

  • 01.08.2007

Scouting's Sunrise 

On August 1st, 1907, the first scout camp on Brownsea island was opened by Baden Powell. The World Organisation of the Scout Movement (WOSM) proposes to celebrate the 100th anniversary of this event as a so-called 'Scouting's Sunrise'.
Scouts all over the world will meet on this day to renew their

  • 17.07.2007


We had a fine summer-trip to scandinavia this summer with a group of 20 scouts. First we made a kanu-trip on the small river Röjdån, then we hiked some days on the Finnskogleden. In Norway, we visited Kjørnes, a small village located at the Sognefjord near Jostedalsbreen (Europe's largest glacier

  • 17.07.2007

100 Years of Scouting 

The scout movement exists since 1907, so we celebrate its 100th birthday this year. On august 18th, we will have an event in the centre of Wuppertal, where we will present our work to the people. Other scout associations will also take part in this event, and together we will offer games for childre

  • 07.06.2007

Trip to Scandinavia 

This summer we will visit Scandinavia. First we will do a Boat-Trip on the river Röjdån in Värmland, Sweden, then we will visit a fjord and Oslo in Norway. We are still planning, so this is not necessarily the final route.

  • 07.06.2007

Special Stamp 

On May 3rd, 2007, Deutsche Post (German Postal Service) published a 45-cent-stamp related to scouting. If you want to see the Stamp, visit the following Site and klick on Aktuelle

  • 07.05.2007

Painting of Baden Powell 

An Artist from Wuppertal made a Painting of Baden Powell for us. Visit us to see it - or simply click here.

  • 07.03.2005

PEAK 2005 

As we did in 1990, 1995 and 2000 we will take part at the International Scout Camp "PEAK 2005". We will probably be about 35 Scouts, looking forward to a nice Camp, meeting England and our Friends at the 18th Chesterfield.

  • 24.10.2004

Upcoming events

15.02.2025ZaPf Meeting with other scout associations in Wuppertal
18.02.2025AK Preparation team meeting (Archiv-AK, 20 Uhr, Eintr...
19.02.2025ZaPf Meeting with other scout associations in Wuppertal
20.02.2025AK Preparation team meeting (Wölflingsfahrt AK, 18:3...

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